Why some animals eat their young...
I now know why some animals eat their young. It's because they won't take a nap. There are only two things on this earth (at the current moment) that make me angry, one is stupid drivers and the other is my son when he won't take a nap. Being a mom is really hard and quite taxing. I feed, change, clean up, correct, help, and love on my little ones all day from the second they wake up, and often times all night too. Come two o'clock or three o'clock in the afternoon, I need a break. I need to be alone for five minutes. I need my house to be quiet. I need everyone to stop crying. I need to enjoy coffee or iced tea or ice cream in peace, alone. I need to attend to my disaster of a house. I need to not have to say, "Please be nice to your sister" or "Please put on your clothes" one more time. I need to pee, ALONE. My children both need naps, every single day. My chance for aloneness....