October Baby - Every Life is Beautiful
Passion. It's one of those things that not everyone has, and the ones who have it may drive you crazy with it... Especially when they are passionate about things that you are not passionate about. I'm passionate about marriage, babies, Jesus, young children, cloth diapers, and Mint.com. I know, a weird list. I'll talk your ear off about any of them, if you express the least bit of interest. I am more reserved and shy about Jesus and marriage than I should be, but I've probably already talked your ear off about cloth diapers. But that's not where this one is heading. I'm passionate about babies and young children. Like I can't watch the news without crying when it contains stories about abused or abandoned babies and babies who die at the hands of those that should have loved them. I love the little ones who can't help themselves, and sometimes I wish I could steal away all the little ones who have been hurt and taken advantage...