
Showing posts from January, 2014

Mind and Time on Things Above?

Do you feel like you should be conquering the world for Jesus, and instead you are cowering in a hole feeling defeated by life?  I do sometimes.   I know a few things as a Christ follower.  I know that the battle is already won.  I know that Jesus did for me what I could not do for myself - He defeated my sin, bought me back from the grave, and has a spot for me in heaven.  I know that I'm an ambassador for Christ to bring His message to a lost and waiting world.  I am more than a conquerer.   So why then would I be hiding from life and feeling defeated?   I think many things are a matter of our focus in life.   Do you ever stop to think where your focus is? I can tell you where my focus is, where my mind and thoughts are.  My mind is on the day to day, the little problems, the messy rooms and the misbehaving kids.  It's focused on the fact that I'm not consistent with my quiet times, I don't pray as much as I'd like, and ...