
Showing posts from February, 2015

Maple Sugary Sweetness and Becoming a MapleTapper!

Isaiah asked me once about making maple syrup. I'm not sure where he even got the idea, but he asked, and so we set out to learn. At the time, we scoured the Internet for resources and videos on how to make maple syrup. We were intrigued, and it really sounded like fun! But it required taps and buckets and most importantly a maple tree, none of which we had at our disposal.  Fast forward a year or so, and enter Clovers Garden Center, with the Maple Tapper Kit for kids!  It's available on Amazon here ! I was so very excited to receive this product! We could finally give maple tapping and maple syrup making a go! It features a full color book with lots of instructions and education about all things maple syrup. How do you find the right tree, pick the right time of year, tap the tree and finally collect sap and make syrup - it's all there! But it's not just a book....  Isaiah learning about maple syrup! The kit has two maple tree taps, two large buc...