My Baby Boy's THIRD Birthday...
Today is my baby's THIRD birthday, and I can't hardly believe it. Time passes so very quickly, yet so slowly too. I have heard it said that the days are long, but the years short, and that is truly the case. Lots of long, hard days raising my little Isaiah and yet here we are three years later. And in those three years, he's grown so very much. He is funny, silly, intelligent, talkative, inquisitive, and so much more. He sleeps in a big boy bed, is potty trained, and has a best buddy. My little man. I love him so very much. Happy 3rd Birthday Isaiah! In April 2010, I wrote the following bit about Isaiah's arrival, and I'm reblogging it here for you today. It's very funny that things don't change, we had a hard time getting Isaiah to bed tonight too... And without any further ado: I was having a hard time getting my darling baby boy to bed tonight and I was getting to the end of my patien...