A Day at the Park for Isaiah and I!

Isaiah and I had a beautiful day at the park last week.  It was Tuesday to be exact, because I was there when we had the Great Pittsburgh Earthquake of 2011.  I am quite sad to inform you that I didn't feel a thing.  Isaiah and I were probably frolicking through the field -- as much as a woman who is 30 weeks pregnant frolics -- beating on the ground with drumsticks (well, just sticks actually).  I guess that last part was probably just Isaiah.  We had been walking around the playground at South Park and he found sticks and was drumming.  He is quite the little musician, loves the drums and guitar.  Any sticks are drumsticks and can be used to play any available drumlike surface. 

After our frolic and drumming venture, I finally sat down to relax for a minute with Isaiah, and I decided to check Facebook from my phone.  Bunches of people had just updated their statuses to say something about an earthquake in Pittsburgh, and then my AP app said there was an earthquake.  So I called Lauren, and she confirmed, there had been an earthquake.  I missed the whole thing, something I was pretty sad about since Pittsburgh doesn't really do natural disasters well.  A small tornado here, a little bit bigger flood there, a sizable thunderstorm on a regular basis, but negligible when it comes to earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and typhoons.  I suppose I should be more than excited about the lack of natural disasters, but I think a little bit of something to shake things up - pun very much intended - would have been neat!  Oh well.  I guess I will chalk up missing the Great Pittsburgh Earthquake of 2011 to the small not-yet-born baby girl routinely causing earthquake-like tremors in my lower abdomen several times an hour.  Stinker. 

On to the real fun...  Pictures from my adventure in the park with Isaiah.  He has this *thing* lately with his boots.  For a few months now, he has had a pair of lovely green rainboots with caricatures of insects all over them courtesy of Gram E.  He hasn't taken much interest in them until the last few weeks, when he has enjoyed wearing the boots everywhere - the house, the park, Walmart, a birthday party, and so on!!  The boots are so cute on him, and his slight obsession with them makes me laugh, so I let him wear them wherever he wants.  So our adventure in the park pictures include Isaiah in boots...  Enjoy!

My babydoll swinging in the baby swing, boots on display!

Hmmm, would you look at how this swing is built...  An engineer to be?? 

Drumming away, who needs a whole drumset when you have a tree and some sticks!!

My baby, checking out the clouds in the sky with mommy!


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